Friday, October 10, 2008

On Writing...

Well...I see that I missed my weekly writing update...oops.

I could give you an incredible excuse as to why I haven't written anything but poetry lately...but I'm supposed to be truthful with this, right? Okay...I was writing on Legacy, but the character I was working with got a little...darker than I had originally planned. So, I switched over to Survivor and managed to get a working outline for about 2/3 of the story...but as I said before, the content hits a little close to home....

So, now I'm trying to work up a story that I used to tell to amuse my cousins when I was a kid...well, that is until I got in trouble for giving them nightmares. LOL

No name, no word count, it's all still in my head. So, there you go.

© 1991-2009 Samantha Greene

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