- Wilderness - Well the rough draft is finally finished and came in right around 75k words. The good news is that the first 2/3 of the draft, I was editing pretty heavily as I went, so it's more like a 2nd or 3rd draft. The bad news is I didn't edit the last 1/3 at all...I just wrote. So I'm sure there'll be alot of cleaning up to do on that part.
75,000 words - Rough draft completed - Legacy - I have taken Arendiwanen, Nightmare and PKJ and combined them, since they were essentially the same story told from three different viewpoints. I'm having to do alot of whittling on the writing I already have to make them fit together, so the word count probably won't rise much at first...I'll have to rewrite alot of it. For now, I'm just going to go with the combined word count for the three.
14,000+ words - Flashback - I still like the premise of this one. But I can't seem to figure where it should go from where I'm at. It looks like this one might be shelved for a time...
2,000+ words - no change - Surviving - I know I said that I shelved this one. The content is a little hard for me to deal with, but I'm thinking if I don't deal with it now, I never will. So, to hell with it, I'm pulling it off the shelf.
just under 3,000 words
So, I guess that's where I'm at. I have a feeling that I'll be working on Legacy mostly and jumping to Surviving if I need a break.
© 1991-2009 Samantha Greene
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